The employer is responsible for the safety of its employees when they use a lifting platform. It is in this context that the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is mandatory, notably the wearing of a safety harness.
What does the law say?
The wearing of a safety harness is mandatory for any operator exposed to a fall from a height of more than 3 meters. The operator may be exempt from the obligation to wear a safety harness if other devices capable of providing an equivalent level of safety are available.
Which harness to choose?
The choice of harness varies depending on the task performed by the operator. It must be appropriate, which is why there are several types of harnesses that adapt to various uses: fall arrest harness, fall arrest and work positioning harness, as well as fall arrest, work positioning, and suspension harness.
The role of the employer
It is the employer's responsibility to raise awareness among its employees about the proper use of the safety harness, the importance of regular maintenance and inspection, in accordance with current standards and regulations.