During a Commissioning Verification (CV) or a Return to Service Verification (RSV), the elevating platform undergoes a battery of tests aimed at ensuring its optimal operation, as well as the safety of operators. In this new article, we will present the static test and the dynamic test, which evaluate the stability and strength of your lifting equipment.
CVs and RSVs, which should not be confused with Periodic General Inspections, must be carried out punctually in the following situations: before commissioning a new or used device, after a change of site, configuration, or conditions of use, or following assembly, modification, repair, or an accident. The static test and the dynamic test are two of the tests performed as part of CVs and RSVs. They allow detecting any defects or signs of material fatigue, as well as anomalies that may occur during the equipment's use.
It consists of subjecting the lifting equipment, equipped with all its accessories and supports, to the maximum operating load multiplied by the static test coefficient, without moving it for a specified duration. The conditions of the static test are defined by the manufacturer's instructions or by the regulations applied during the equipment's design. The static test is carried out when the equipment is stationary and evaluates the resistance of its components to various stresses.
It consists of moving, by the lifting equipment, the maximum operating load multiplied by the dynamic test coefficient in order to bring this load into all the positions it can occupy, without taking into account the speed obtained or the heating of the equipment. The conditions of the dynamic test are defined by the manufacturer's instructions or by the regulations applied during the equipment's design. It evaluates the equipment's behavior when it is in operation, as well as the responsiveness of safety devices.
Furthermore, the static test and the dynamic test are essential and ensure the safe use of the elevating platform from both technical and human perspectives.