Considering you may know that aerial work platform inspection is part of its daily use, you know, there are 3 phases of inspection :
- The pre-use inspection
- The periodic inspection
- The 6 months / annual inspection
In this article, we would like to focus on the pre-use one.
Like any other MEWP, aerial work platform on vehicles such as the ones we design for you have to be inspected in order to respect safe working standards.
When you first use your aerial work platform, you should spend some time observing and checking that everything is functional and safe.
Let's break down the pre-use inspection
Pre-use inspection consists of two separate parts :
- a technical check
- a safety check
Pre-use item inspection checklist
The technical check is about Inspection Item. This step allows you to control if any technical issue exist or not on the aerial platform. Here the 21 questions you need to answer :
- Do operating and emergency controls are in proper working condition, EMO button or Emergency Stop Device ?
- Does upper drive control interlock functional ?
- Does emergency lowering function operates properly ?
- Do lower operating controls successfully over ride the upper controls ?
- Do both upper and lower controls are adequately protected from inadvertent operation ?
- Does control panel is clean & all buttons/switches are clearly visible ?
- Do all switch & mechanical guards are in good condition and properly installed ?
- Do all safety Indicator lights work ?
- Do drive controls function properly & accurately labeled ?
- Do motion alarms are functional ?
- Do safety decals are in place and readable ?
- Do guardrails and anchor points are in place, and in good condition ?
- Do work platform & extension slides are clean, dry, & clear of debris ?
- Do work platform extension slides in and out freely with safety locking pins in place to lock setting on models with extension platforms ?
- Inspect for defects such as cracked welds, fuel leaks, hydraulic leaks, damaged control cables or wire harness, etc...
- Do tires and wheels are in good condition ?
- Do braking devices are operating properly ?
- Does the manufacturer’s operations manual is stored on AWP (in all languages of the operators) ?
- Oil level, Hydraulic Oil Level, Fuel Level, Coolant Level
- Does battery charge ?
- Do outriggers in place or functioning ?
- Do associated alarms working ?
Pre-use safety inspection checklist
Then, you need to do some safety inspection in order to prevent any fall or injury during your work at height.
- Personal Fall Arrest and Protective Equipment. (Harness, lanyard, hardhat etc.)
- In windy conditions see manufacturer guidelines or if not in guidelines then…if lift begins to rock in the wind lower the lift
- Floor conditions: Drop offs, holes, uneven surfaces, and sloped floors.
- Housekeeping: Debris, floor obstructions, cords, construction material and supplies.
- Electrical power cables or panels, (minimum 10 feet away). If larger lines or wet conditions contact
- EH&S or the Electrical shop for guidance. Insolated small lines in dry conditions 3 feet away.
- Chemical lines, gas lines, drain lines, and utilities.
- Overhead obstructions
- Loads (do not exceed capacity)
- Watch for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Set up barricades if necessary