Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are devices that protect operators from known risks. They vary depending on the sector of activity, but their role remains the same: to protect the operator's entire body when they are in a situation presenting a danger.
Strict Legislation
Each country has its own legislation regarding PPE. However, obligations generally converge on the use of the following equipment: safety helmet, safety harness, hearing protection, safety glasses, safety shoes, respiratory protection, and protective clothing. In France, employers are required to raise awareness and provide their employees with PPE to ensure their safety. They must also use the Single Document for Risk Assessment (DUERP) which lists the risks to which employees may be exposed.
Traceability and Compliance
The traceability and compliance of PPE are ensured by marking indicating the following essential information: name, type, serial number, and the manufacturing date that determines the equipment's lifespan. The presence of the "CE" logo indicates the equipment's compliance with European standards, thanks in particular to compliance tests. Ultimately, this marking is a guarantee of quality that ensures the equipment's compliance with relevant safety requirements.
Instructions Manual
The instruction manual accompanying PPE often contains graphics and diagrams illustrating key points. It also includes warnings about exposure to chemicals that could degrade the materials of the PPE. Finally, it indicates instructions for the periodic verification of the equipment's condition (the need to replace worn parts or perform repairs authorized by the manufacturer).
Declaration of Conformity
The EU declaration of conformity is a document that may be required during regulatory compliance audits. It notably indicates the conditions under which PPE are tested and the types of impacts they are capable of resisting. Finally, other information such as the name and address of the manufacturer, the name of the PPE, and information about the organization that validated the equipment's compliance are mentioned.