Our customer is a leading provider of external lighting installation and maintenance throughout France.
They provide a complete external lighting service, from design to installation and maintenance (including motorways, trunk roads, highways and housing developments). Their client base includes several Local Authorities, as well as many major construction and civil engineering companies.
Our Streetlighting client has recently put in a successful bid to carry out work under a city lighting framework. This means they will be installing LED lanterns to improve street lighting in the area. The initial works will include the exclusive replacement of 500 lamps, along with other LED upgrades and column replacements.
Our client choose to use the K26 platform mounted on a cutaway Sprinter van in order to manage all the LED replacements.
The K26 Van mount Work Platform has been designed specifically for the Street lighting maintenance and installation sectors. The conversion can be modified to a cutaway van mount. This allows for a greater payload and makes the vehicle easier to manoeuvre within urban areas. This makes it perfect for inner city streetlighting maintenance and installation.
They chose this model as it is compact due to the cutaway version and it has also been designed without the need for outriggers. No outriggers mean that the operator can quickly set up the machine and carry out the work in a very short amount of time.
The van-mounted platforms compact size prevents disturbance to traffic and pedestrians when it is parked. The cutaway version allows for much easier maneuverability which means it is less likely to be bumped in the busy streets of the city.
The K26 Mercedes Sprinter van-mounted platform has a working height of 11.8m and a working outreach of 6.8m with a 120Kg basket capacity.
If you are interested to distribute our K26
If you are interested to distribute our K26 aerial platform in you country, contact us!
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